Saturday, January 23, 2010
- Pati Manggis Pekat.
- 80% Kandungan Kulit Manggis
- Diekstrak & diproses dengan menggunakan teknologi pico (lebih halus dari nano)
- Tanpa bahan pengawet, pewarna tiruan & perasa tiruan
-Diproses dan dikeluarkan oleh pusat penyelidikan & pembangunan manggis Thailand (TMRDC) (Kajiselidik lebih 30 tahun dengan kerjasama Prince Songkhla University, Unversity Of Chiang Mai & Mahidol University)
Pati Manggis "Myhelth" yang kaya dengan Xanthone adalah digunakan khusus untuk meningkatkan sistem imunisasi (Antibodi) mampu untuk mencegah & merawat pelbagai jenis penyakit seperti :
- Anti Atritis
- Anti Diabetes
- Anti Obesiti
- Anti Oksida
- Anti Osteoporosis
- Anti Parkinson
- Anti Penuaan
- Anti Stress
- Mencegah Alergi
- Mencegah Masalah Jantung & Hati
- Mencegah Penyakit Kulit
- Mencegah Tekanan Darah
Terdapat 43 jenis "Xanthone" dalam Manggis & GM - 1 adalah "Xanthone" yang paling aktif dijumpai oleh saintis TMRDC.
Myhelth adalah Pati Manggis yang bukan sahaja merawat sakit kita, akan tetapi dapat meningkatkan sistem antibodi kita ke tahap yang paling maksima, Peningkatan tersebut dengan sendirinya dapat membantu tubuh manusia mencegah serta melawan semua penyakit yang ada,insyaAllah...
Bahan aktif khasiat xantone dari manggis - GM-1 Effikasi Terapi
Pengkhususan My Helth Pati Manggis Terapi
- 1. Kaya dengan vitamin, unsur-unsur mineral, bahan-bahan anti-oksida dan anti radang bengkak.
- 2. Lazat, enak nikmat rasanya, setinggi 97% penerapan ke dalam sel-sel tisu badan dan dikekalkan ‘alkalensence’ dalam tubuh badan.
- 3. Menghasilkan sel-sel darah, memperbaiki peredaran darah dan sistem penghadaman., membaik-pulih sistem respirasi.
- 4. Memperkukuhkan tubuh badan, melegakan masalah sembelit, menghasilkan sel-sel dan kulit lebih sihat .
- 5. Memperbaiki kualiti semasa tidur dan mengatasi ‘insomnia’.
- 6. Mengurus keseimbangan kandungan gula darah.
- 7. Vitamin A dan C dalam buah manggis dapat mengatasi radikal-radikal bebas demi melindungi dan memperbaiki penglihatan.
- 8. Pematangan fiber-fiber kolagen, menghapuskan ‘arthralgia’ dan ‘arthristis’.
- 9. Menentang radang bengkak sumsum tulang.
- 10.Berkesan dalam pencegahan ‘angiosclerosis’, melindungi jantung, anti-kemurungan, infeksi virus, diabetes, menurunkan tekanan darah, guloksa dan lipid darah, lemak, anti-‘Parkinsonism’, cirit-birit dan sebagainya.
What is Mangosteen?
The Mangosteen fruit (or Garcinia mangostana, as it is known scientifically) is exotic, delicious and is packed with xanthones and other phytonutrients that gives impressive health benefits.
What are Xanthones?
Xanthones are biologically active plant phenols found in a few selective tropical plants. There are over 200 xanthones discovered and the mangosteen has over 40.
Xanthones have been found to support and enhance the body's immune system. Xanthones also exhibits strong Antioxidant activity which is beneficial for neutralizing free radicals in the body.
Facts about Xanthones
In cardiovascular diseases, it has been generally accepted that oxidative modification of LDL plays a critical role in atherosclerosis. Therefore, antioxidants able to interfere with lipid per oxidation may be beneficial in reducing atherogenic process. GM-1, was shown for the first time to be a free radical scavenger protecting the LDL from oxidative damage in vitro in 1995. Some years later, a series of GM-1 derivatives were prepared and then tested for their activities on LDL oxidation. Some of them exhibited more profound effects than GM-1 itself. Therefore, some structural modifications of GM-1 are capable of enhancing its antioxidant activity
GM-1 and its derivatives have also been shown to be antiplasmodial, antioxidant and inhibiting eukaryote protein kinases and cyclic nucleotide-binding phosphatase. In some of latest studies the TMRDC scientists had significant results which shed light on how GM-1 acts on the body. It optimizes the immune system to defend infections and hazardous organisms. GM-1 is a safe substance, 5 times safer than citric acid in orange juice. There are no known side effects.
What is a Mangosteen?
The Mangosteen fruit (or Garcinia mangostana, as it is known scientifically) is exotic, delicious and is packed with full of xanthones and other phytonutrients that demonstrate impressive health benefits.
What are Xanthones?
Xanthones are biologically active plant phenols found in a few selective tropical plants. There are over 200 xanthones discovered and the mangosteen has over 40.
Xanthones have been found to support and enhance the body's immune system. Xanthones also exhibits strong Antioxidant activity which is beneficial for neutralizing free radicals in the body.
Facts about Xanthones
The Mangosteen has by far the most xanthones of any plant. The pericarp of the mangosteen fruit contains a vast majority of xanthones. Xanthones are some of the most potent antioxidants known. In fact, many doctors refer to xanthones as "super xanthones".
GM-1 was founded by scientists at the Thai Mangosteen Research and Development Centre (TMRDC). It is the most active element amongst the 41 xanthones founded in mangosteens.
GM-1 is a safe substance, 5 times safer than citric acid in orange juice. There is no known side effects from overdose.
In some latest studies, the TMRDC scientists had significant results which shed light on how GM-1 acts on the body. It optimizes the body's immune system to fight infections and diseases.
GM-1 optimizes the immune system to defend against infectious organisms and other invaders. It is made up of a network of cell, tissues and organs that work together to protect the body.
The Mangosteen, (Scientific name: Garcinia Mangostana) is a tropical evergreen tree. Mangosteen is native to Southeast Asia, and is believed to have originated in the Sunda Islands and the Moluccas. In Asia, the Mangosteen fruit with its hard, reddish-brown rind and sweet juicy pulp is known as the "Queen of Fruits".
The outer shell of the mangosteen fruit is a rather hard texture. Inside the shell is a very pale, fleshy fruit.
Research shows the Mangosteen Fruit possesses potent Antioxident properties that may help maintain intestinal health, promote a healthy respiratory system, neutralize free radicals, help support cartilage and joint function, and strengthen the immune system,.
For HUNDREDS OF YEARS, the people of Southeast Asia have used the Mangosteen, especially the rind, to ward off and treat infections, control fever, and treat various other ailments. The sliced and dried rind is powdered and administered to overcome dysentery. Made into an ointment, it is applied on eczema and other skin disorders.
Mangosteen has been combined with the Acai berry of the Amazon to produce a very good tasting and nutritious drink.
Selepas ambil Myhelth
Adik Danial Ashraf 8 tahun, Darjah 2 Sekolah Kebangsaan Batu 4, Jalan Jeniang, Gurun Kedah menghadapi sakit kulit (psoriasis) sejak dari lahir dan tersisih daripada kawan-kawan. Tidak dapat bermain bersama dan di kelas terpaksa berjauhan dari meja kawan-kawan disebabkan penyakit yang dihidapi yang berbau hanyir oleh darah dan nanah.
Simpati dari Ustad Zulkifli Wahab, seorang guru yang mengajar di sekolah beliau telah memperkenalkan kepada bapa angkat Danial untuk mencuba Pati Estrak “MYHELTH”.
Sungguh menakjubkan! Hanya dalam masa 4 hari KULIT adik Danial telah beransur pulih dari kesakitan dan mula bertukar sedikit demi sedikit, berubah kering dan positif pemulihan.
PESARA, berusia 56 tahun. Mendapat kemalangan jalan raya 2 tahun yang lalu, telah membuat pembedahan jantung dan masalah tulang belakang. Tidak dapat bersandar, tidur terpaksa mengiring, tidak dapat bergerak bebas (kesakitan) selama 2 tahun.
Setelah mengamalkan minum MYHELTH 3 sudu dan 3 kali sehari sebelum makan, berterusan sehingga 4 botol, kini sakit tulang belakang beliau pulih seperti sedia kala, tahap gula dalam darah menurun dan jantung tidak lagi mengalami kesesakan nafas.
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