Saturday, January 23, 2010

Testimonials of consumer who used products from Operation BIM

ปัญหากระเัพาะ / Peptic Ulcer

ลำไส้ติดเชื้อ / Intestinal infection

ข้ออักเสบรูมาตอยส์ / Rheumatoid arthritis

ลูกสะบ้าหัวเข่าเสื่อม / Deteriorated kneecap

สะเก็ดเงิน / Psoriasis

เบาหวาน / Diabetes

ตับเสื่อม / Liver failure

อาการสันนิบาต / Parkinson's disease

HIV Infection

มะเร็งผิวหนัง / Skin cancer

มะเร็งระยะสุดท้าย / Last stage cancer

มะเร็งระยะสุดท้าย / Last stage cancer

ติดเชื้อราและแบคทีเรีย / Heals skin diseases & rashes. (Anti Fungal & Anti Bacterial)

ติดเชื้อเรื้อรังที่ใบหน้า (สิวอักเสบ) / Face chronic infection

- Pati Manggis Pekat.
- 80% Kandungan Kulit Manggis
- Diekstrak & diproses dengan menggunakan teknologi pico (lebih halus dari nano)
- Tanpa bahan pengawet, pewarna tiruan & perasa tiruan
-Diproses dan dikeluarkan oleh pusat penyelidikan & pembangunan manggis Thailand (TMRDC) (Kajiselidik lebih 30 tahun dengan kerjasama Prince Songkhla University, Unversity Of Chiang Mai & Mahidol University)

Pati Manggis "Myhelth" yang kaya dengan Xanthone adalah digunakan khusus untuk meningkatkan sistem imunisasi (Antibodi) mampu untuk mencegah & merawat pelbagai jenis penyakit seperti :

- Anti Atritis
- Anti Diabetes
- Anti Obesiti
- Anti Oksida
- Anti Osteoporosis
- Anti Parkinson
- Anti Penuaan
- Anti Stress
- Mencegah Alergi
- Mencegah Masalah Jantung & Hati
- Mencegah Penyakit Kulit
- Mencegah Tekanan Darah

Terdapat 43 jenis "Xanthone" dalam Manggis & GM - 1 adalah "Xanthone" yang paling aktif dijumpai oleh saintis TMRDC.

Myhelth adalah Pati Manggis yang bukan sahaja merawat sakit kita, akan tetapi dapat meningkatkan sistem antibodi kita ke tahap yang paling maksima, Peningkatan tersebut dengan sendirinya dapat membantu tubuh manusia mencegah serta melawan semua penyakit yang ada,insyaAllah...

Bahan aktif khasiat xantone dari manggis - GM-1 Effikasi Terapi

Pengkhususan My Helth Pati Manggis Terapi

  • 1. Kaya dengan vitamin, unsur-unsur mineral, bahan-bahan anti-oksida dan anti radang bengkak.
  • 2. Lazat, enak nikmat rasanya, setinggi 97% penerapan ke dalam sel-sel tisu badan dan dikekalkan ‘alkalensence’ dalam tubuh badan.
  • 3. Menghasilkan sel-sel darah, memperbaiki peredaran darah dan sistem penghadaman., membaik-pulih sistem respirasi.
  • 4. Memperkukuhkan tubuh badan, melegakan masalah sembelit, menghasilkan sel-sel dan kulit lebih sihat .
  • 5. Memperbaiki kualiti semasa tidur dan mengatasi ‘insomnia’.
  • 6. Mengurus keseimbangan kandungan gula darah.
  • 7. Vitamin A dan C dalam buah manggis dapat mengatasi radikal-radikal bebas demi melindungi dan memperbaiki penglihatan.
  • 8. Pematangan fiber-fiber kolagen, menghapuskan ‘arthralgia’ dan ‘arthristis’.
  • 9. Menentang radang bengkak sumsum tulang.
  • 10.Berkesan dalam pencegahan ‘angiosclerosis’, melindungi jantung, anti-kemurungan, infeksi virus, diabetes, menurunkan tekanan darah, guloksa dan lipid darah, lemak, anti-‘Parkinsonism’, cirit-birit dan sebagainya.

What is Mangosteen?

The Mangosteen fruit (or Garcinia mangostana, as it is known scientifically) is exotic, delicious and is packed with xanthones and other phytonutrients that gives impressive health benefits.

What are Xanthones?

Xanthones are biologically active plant phenols found in a few selective tropical plants. There are over 200 xanthones discovered and the mangosteen has over 40.

Xanthones have been found to support and enhance the body's immune system. Xanthones also exhibits strong Antioxidant activity which is beneficial for neutralizing free radicals in the body.

Facts about Xanthones

The Mangosteen has by far the most xanthones of any plant. The pericarp of the mangosteen fruit contains a vast majority of xanthones. Xanthones are some of the most potent antioxidants known. In fact, many doctors refer to xanthones as "super xanthones".


GM-1 was discovered by scientists at the Thai Mangosteen Research and Development Centre (TMRDC). It is the most active element amongst the 41 xanthones found in mangosteens.

In cardiovascular diseases, it has been generally accepted that oxidative modification of LDL plays a critical role in atherosclerosis. Therefore, antioxidants able to interfere with lipid per oxidation may be beneficial in reducing atherogenic process. GM-1, was shown for the first time to be a free radical scavenger protecting the LDL from oxidative damage in vitro in 1995. Some years later, a series of GM-1 derivatives were prepared and then tested for their activities on LDL oxidation. Some of them exhibited more profound effects than GM-1 itself. Therefore, some structural modifications of GM-1 are capable of enhancing its antioxidant activity

GM-1 and its derivatives have also been shown to be antiplasmodial, antioxidant and inhibiting eukaryote protein kinases and cyclic nucleotide-binding phosphatase. In some of latest studies the TMRDC scientists had significant results which shed light on how GM-1 acts on the body. It optimizes the immune system to defend infections and hazardous organisms. GM-1 is a safe substance, 5 times safer than citric acid in orange juice. There are no known side effects.
Mangosteen, Xanthones and GM-1
What is a Mangosteen?


The Mangosteen fruit (or Garcinia mangostana, as it is known scientifically) is exotic, delicious and is packed with full of xanthones and other phytonutrients that demonstrate impressive health benefits.

What are Xanthones?

Xanthones are biologically active plant phenols found in a few selective tropical plants. There are over 200 xanthones discovered and the mangosteen has over 40.

Xanthones have been found to support and enhance the body's immune system. Xanthones also exhibits strong Antioxidant activity which is beneficial for neutralizing free radicals in the body.

Facts about Xanthones

The Mangosteen has by far the most xanthones of any plant. The pericarp of the mangosteen fruit contains a vast majority of xanthones. Xanthones are some of the most potent antioxidants known. In fact, many doctors refer to xanthones as "super xanthones".


GM-1 was founded by scientists at the Thai Mangosteen Research and Development Centre (TMRDC). It is the most active element amongst the 41 xanthones founded in mangosteens.

GM-1 is a safe substance, 5 times safer than citric acid in orange juice. There is no known side effects from overdose.

In some latest studies, the TMRDC scientists had significant results which shed light on how GM-1 acts on the body. It optimizes the body's immune system to fight infections and diseases.

GM-1 optimizes the immune system to defend against infectious organisms and other invaders. It is made up of a network of cell, tissues and organs that work together to protect the body.
The Magnificent Mangosteen Fruit

The Mangosteen, (Scientific name: Garcinia Mangostana) is a tropical evergreen tree. Mangosteen is native to Southeast Asia, and is believed to have originated in the Sunda Islands and the Moluccas. In Asia, the Mangosteen fruit with its hard, reddish-brown rind and sweet juicy pulp is known as the "Queen of Fruits".

The outer shell of the mangosteen fruit is a rather hard texture. Inside the shell is a very pale, fleshy fruit.

Research shows the Mangosteen Fruit possesses potent Antioxident properties that may help maintain intestinal health, promote a healthy respiratory system, neutralize free radicals, help support cartilage and joint function, and strengthen the immune system,.

For HUNDREDS OF YEARS, the people of Southeast Asia have used the Mangosteen, especially the rind, to ward off and treat infections, control fever, and treat various other ailments. The sliced and dried rind is powdered and administered to overcome dysentery. Made into an ointment, it is applied on eczema and other skin disorders.

Mangosteen has been combined with the Acai berry of the Amazon to produce a very good tasting and nutritious drink.

Sebelum ambil Myhelth

Selepas ambil Myhelth



Adik Danial Ashraf 8 tahun, Darjah 2 Sekolah Kebangsaan Batu 4, Jalan Jeniang, Gurun Kedah menghadapi sakit kulit (psoriasis) sejak dari lahir dan tersisih daripada kawan-kawan. Tidak dapat bermain bersama dan di kelas terpaksa berjauhan dari meja kawan-kawan disebabkan penyakit yang dihidapi yang berbau hanyir oleh darah dan nanah.

Simpati dari Ustad Zulkifli Wahab, seorang guru yang mengajar di sekolah beliau telah memperkenalkan kepada bapa angkat Danial untuk mencuba Pati Estrak “MYHELTH”.
Sungguh menakjubkan! Hanya dalam masa 4 hari KULIT adik Danial telah beransur pulih dari kesakitan dan mula bertukar sedikit demi sedikit, berubah kering dan positif pemulihan.





PESARA, berusia 56 tahun. Mendapat kemalangan jalan raya 2 tahun yang lalu, telah membuat pembedahan jantung dan masalah tulang belakang. Tidak dapat bersandar, tidur terpaksa mengiring, tidak dapat bergerak bebas (kesakitan) selama 2 tahun.

Setelah mengamalkan minum MYHELTH 3 sudu dan 3 kali sehari sebelum makan, berterusan sehingga 4 botol, kini sakit tulang belakang beliau pulih seperti sedia kala, tahap gula dalam darah menurun dan jantung tidak lagi mengalami kesesakan nafas.

Sila hubungi saya untuk keterangan lanjut:


Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Terapeutik Pati manggis GM-1

Rasanya sedap, tanpa gula dan ejen tiruan. 60ml setiap hari cukup untuk keperluan manusia dan ia berkesan dalam mencegah penyakit-penyakit berikut:

Anti tumor dan mencegah kanser
Meningkatkan sistem imun badan
Anti Osteoporosis
Mengawal tekanan darah
Anti Parkinsionisme
Membantu mencegah demensia
Mencegah tindakbalas alergi dan masalah kulit
Anti stress
Anti Obesiti
Anti Artritis
Anti kencing manis
Anti penuaan
Anti kesakitan

Xanthone yang paling aktif daripada manggis – GM-1

Keberkesanan terapeutik:

Merencatkan pembiakan dan keupayaan menghapus kuman berketahanan antibiotic gram-positif, keberkesanannya adalah standing dengan “vancomycin”
Anti radang 3 kali lebih berkesan dari aspirin
Analgesic (melegakan kesakitan) dan anti alergi
Anti-Oksida serta mencegah sakit jantung dari oksidasi kolesterol LDL
Membunuh sel kanser payudara, sel leukemia, sel kanser hati, sel kanser usus, sel kanser paru-paru. (berdasarkan ujian makmal)
Membunuh bakteria tibi (berdasarkan ujian makmal)
Menghalang penyebaran HIV (berdasarkan ujian makmal)
Meningkatkan fagositosis, proses selular daripada penghapusan benda-benda asing dan bakteria
Perencatan kemerosotan tulang rawan (berdasarkan ujian makmal)

GM-1 ialah xanthone yang paling aktif antara 43 xanthone dalam manggis yang dijumpai oleh saintis di TMRDC.

Keunikan Terapeutik Pati Manggis GM-1

Kaya dengan vitamin, bahan galian, anti oksida dan anti radang
Rasanya sedap, 97% diserap oleh badan manusia dari alkalesen akan disimpan di dalam badan
Menambah darah, meningkatkan peredaran darah dan sistem penghadaman serta mengawal sistem pernafasan
Meningkatkan kesihatan badan, memperbaiki masalah sembelit, menghasilkan sel dan kulit yang sihat
Meningkatkan kualiti tidur, mengurangkan masalah insomia
Mengawal keseimbangan gula dalam darah
Vitamin A dan C manggis berupaya menghalang radikal bebas dan melindungi mata, serta memperbaiki penglihatan
Menggabungkan serabut berkolagen, menghapuskan artralgia dan arthritis.
Berkesan dalam mengurangkan kesakitan dan mencegah radang sumsum tulang
berkesan dalam menghalang angiosclerosis, melindungi jantung, anti murung, jangkitan virus, kencing manis, mengurangkan tekanan darah, gula dalam darah dan kolesterol dalam darah, lemak, anti parkinsonisme, cirit-birit dan sebagainya.

Terapeutik Pati manggis GM-1

Dalam penyelidikan Dr. Linus Pauling, pemenang Nobel iatrology, menyatakan bahawa segala penyakit yang dihadapi oleh manusia disebabkan oleh kekurangan mikroelemen, bahan galian dan kecekapan penapaian anti pengoksidaan dan membawa ke hipo fungsi (menyebabkan kelemahan sendi dan otot). Penyelidikan menunjukkan bahawa makanan yang diambil oleh manusia sekarang kekurangan mikroelemen, mengandungi bahan pengawet dan kimia yang berlebihan, serta pencemaran alam sekitar telah menyebabkan pengumpulan toksin di dalam tubuh badan manusia.

Manggis baik untuk kesihatan manusia, ia mengandungi 43 xanthone yang merupakan komponen-komponen utama untuk sistem imun badan, ia mengurangkan radang, melegakan kegatalan, melegakan kesakitan dan membunuh bakteria, mencegah kanser, mengekalkan keseimbangan mikroorganisma, keseimbangan sistem imun badan dan meningkatkan fleksibiliti arthritis.

Sekarang, produk manggis dengan GM-1 dapat meningkatkan tahap interleukin-2 sehingga 3-4 kali ganda dalam tempoh 3 hari tanpa sebarang kesan negatif.

Selain daripada itu, produk kami juga dapat menangani penyakit-penyakit berkaitan imun-otomatik.

GM-1 ditemui oleh kumpulan saintis TMRDC, xanthone yang paling aktif antara 43 xanthone didalam buah Manggis.

Anti-fatigue (energy booster)
Powerful anti-inflammatory (prevents inflammation)
Analgesic (prevents pain)
Anti-ulcer (stomach, mouth and bowel ulcers)
Anti-depressant (low to moderate)
Anxyolytic (anti-anxiety effect)
Anti-Alzheimerian (helps prevent dementia)
Anti-tumor and cancer prevention (multiple categories cited)... shown to be capable of killing cancer cells
Immunomodulator (multiple categories cited) helps the immune system
Anti-biotic (modulates bacterial infections)
Anti-fungal (prevents fungal infections)
Anti-seborrheaic (prevents skin disorders)
Anti-lipidemic (blood fat lowering, LDL)
Anti-atherosclerotic (prevents hardening of arteries)
Cardioprotective (protects the heart)
Hypotensive (blood pressure lowering)
Hypoglycemic (anti-diabetic effect, helps lower blood sugar)
Anti-obesity (helps with weight loss)
Anti-arthritic (prevention of arthritis)
Anti-osteoporosis (helps prevent the loss of bone mass)
Anti-periodontic (prevents gum disease)
Anti-allergenic (prevents allergic reaction)
Anti-calculitic (prevents kidney stones)
Anti-pyretic (fever lowering)
Anti-neuralgic (reduces nerve pain)
Anti-vertigo (prevents dizziness)
Anti-glaucomic (prevents glaucoma)
Anti-cataract (prevents cataracts)
Pansystemic - has a synergistic effect on the whole body .
75 Reasons To Drink Mangosteen Today

Establishing a mangosteen dosing regimen can create robust health and vitality, preventing many illnesses from striking in the first place.
1. Strengthen the immune system. The flavonoids & flavones boost other antioxidants, including vitamins C & E, to a more protective level.
2. Combats inflammation. Helps prevent tissue swelling which can lead to many debilitating diseases & conditions.
3. Improves cell communication. The xanthones in mangosteen improve the body's cell to cell communication to fight disease from attacking & spreading. It also speeds up healing & repair.
4. Thwarts DNA damage. Xanthones have been shown to thwart DNA damage, lowering risks from carcinogens & mutagens.
5. Aids the lymphatic system. Helps the lymphatic system eliminate cell waste.
6. Keeps thyroid functioning optimally. Mangosteen's energy boosting ability helps overcome low thyroid conditions.
7. Reduces insulin resistance. Xanthones can help normalize blood sugar levels.
8. Helps lower body fat. Balances cortisol which can stimulate fat deposits in various parts of the body.
9. Heals nerve damage. The anti-neuralgic & anti-inflammatory properties help repair cellular damage that causes neurological pain & discomfort, including diabetic neuropathy.
10. Balances the endocrine system. Favorably affects the balance of hormones & other neurochemicals produced by the endocrine system.
11. Aids body synergy. Mangosteen's disease microbial-fighting abilities & immune system-strengthening qualities empower the entire body.
12. Reduces hemorroids. Alleviates the pain & swelling caused by inflammation.
13. Helps alleviate hypoglycemia. Counters fatigue brought on by low blood-sugar levels.
14. Relieves psoriasis. Xanthones can help detoxify the liver, which can cause psoriasis.
15. Helps heal lesions. Promotes rapid healing of topical wounds.
16. Reduces pain of carpal tunnel syndrome. Stops hand and wrist pain by reducing inflammation.
17. Relieves neurodermatitis. Mangosteen's anti-inflammatory properties counteract this scaly & itching skin disorder.
18. Helps prevent heart disease. Xanthones neutralize free radical damage which may play a role in the inflammatory process.
19. Strengthens blood vessels. Improves the flow of nutrients to the body's cells.
20. Lowers LDL cholesterol. Since mangosteen inhibits free radical damage, it may help reduce LDL oxidation in the blood.
21. Reduces high blood pressure. Mangosteen's ability to strengthen heart muscles & help you lose weight may lead to lower blood pressure.
22. Helps prevents arteriosclorosis. Mangosteen's anti-inflammatory effect may reduce plaque buildup in artery walls.
23. Helps overcome acid reflux disease (GERD). Mangosteen's antioxidants may help protect & repair the lower esophagus damaged by gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD). Its acid-suppression effects may reduce stomach content acidity.
24. Helps heal ulcers. Xanthones kill bad bacteria, fungi & parasites, including H-pylori, the ulcer-causing bacteria.
25. Relief for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Blocks IBS-causing serotonin in the digestive system.
26. Helps stop diarrhea. The anti-inflammatory & anti-bacterial properties of the rind or pericarp can stop diarrhea.
27. Can relieve Crohn's disease. The anti-inflammatory properties can prevent the malabsorption of vital nutrients by preventing damage to the wall of the small intestine.
28. May prevent diverticulitis. Can prevent infections in the pockets that form in the lining of the colon.
29. Boosts energy; improves resilience & increase stamina. Mangosteen's nutrients provide needed energy.
30. Slows the aging process. Mangosteen's regenerative nutrients & strong antioxidants keep cells operating optimally.
31. Helps prevent dementia & Alzheimer's. Mangosteen's flavonoids can stop simple memory loss.
32. Helps prevent kidney stones. The alkaline quality of mangosteen helps neutralize stone-forming acids in the body.
33. Helps prevent Parkinson's disease. Mangosteen's antioxidant qualities prevent oxidation, a factor in Parkinson's.
34. Reduces pain from arthritis. The anti-inflammatory effect can reduce pain.
35. Repairs damage from NSAID use. Mangosteen has been shown to block the H1 & H2 receptors (histamine molecules linked to allergies & the production of stomach acid) naturally. Its anti-inflammatory properties may reduce stomach acid & protect the stomach lining from acid damage.
36. Aids in eye function. The antioxidant abilities protect cells from the oxidative damage that leads to aging and disease.
37. Lowers fever. By fighting inflammation, offering immune system support & hydration, mangosteen can help fight fever.
38. Fights food poisoning. Xanthones can destroy Salmonella typhi.
39. Soothes sore throats. Anti-inflammatory effect can offer relief.
40. Helps heal mouth & canker sores. The natural antibiotic, antiviral & antifungal ability combats the pathogens that cause these sores.
41. Fights bad breath. Antibacterial properties help fight bad breath caused by bacteria.
42. Helps lessen migraines. Mangosteen can potentially correct abnormal serotonin functions in blood vessels that lead to migraines.
43. Relieves toothache pain. Anti-inflammatory effect can help relieve this pain.
44. Acts as a natural sleep aid. Helps balance hormones, which aids in balancing the sleep cycle.
45. Improves ability to deal with stress. Helps balance hormones like cortisol, which is overproduced during stress.
46. Improves mood & reduces depression. Acts as a "mood elevator" by correcting brain chemical imbalances.
47. Aids muscles and joint health. Pain can be reduced by the anti-inflammatory properties of mangosteen.
48. Helps clear acne & skin blemishes. The detoxifying & anti-inflammatory properties of mangosteen can prevent & clear up skin problems.
49. Treats bug bites, burns & poisonous plant contact. When made into a paste, the anti-bacterial & anti-inflammatory properties can relieve pain & swelling.
50. Relieves sprained & strained muscles & ligaments. Mangosteen can be massaged onto skin for topical relief.
51. Relieves stomachaches. Anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties relieve stomachaches caused by bacterial infections.
52. Relieves bronchitis, emphysema & pneumonia. Mangosteen's anti-viral, anti-bacterial & anti-fungal effect can reduce the frequency of lung infections & other pulmonary diseases.
53. Works as a decongestant. Mangosteen's anti-inflammatory properties help as a decongestant.
54. Helps prevent male infertility. Mangosteen's anti-inflammatory & anti-oxidant strengths can counter infertility due to stress, pollution & free radical-related factors.
55. Helps prevent prostate enlargement. The anitioxidant punch of mangosteen's xanthones may be a powerful weapon in the fight against an enlarged prostate.
56. Relieves urinary difficulties. The rind from mangosteen can relieve cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), caused by a bacterial infection.
57. Offers a gentle laxative effect. Unlike harsh laxatives that irritate the bowel, it heals and unblocks areas of bowel restriction.
58. Minimizes PMS. Reduces symptoms of moodiness & inflammation.
59. Relieves menopause symptoms. Removes stress from the body & helps maintain adequate levels of estrogen, thus slowing the effects of menopause.
60. Reduces menstrual swelling. The anti-inflammatory properties of mangosteen may counteract this bothersome side effect of PMS.
61. Reduces pain from fibromyalgia. Mangosteen exhibits a neurological pain-reducing effect.
62. Reduces pain from osteoporosis. Mangosteen's neurological pain-reducing effect can offer relief from osteoporosis.
63. Helps relieve asthma. Mangosteen's anti-viral, anti-bacterial & anti-fungal effect can reduce the frequency of lung infections & other pulmonary diseases.
64. May prevent ADHD & food allergies. Studies have found a strong connection between hyperactive behavior & food allergies. Mangosteen stops antigen/antibody reactions & reduces the body's allergic reactions. It may also help reduce lead in children's bodies which is linked to ADHD.
65. Builds stronger teeth and bones. Mangosteen aids in the efficient conversion of sunlight to vitamin D.
66. Prevents gum disease. The anti-bacterial effect helps prevent gum disease.
67. Combat tuberculosis. Xanthones can overpower the bacteria responsible for causing TB.
68. Reduces lactose intolerance side effects. Mangosteen's anti-inflammatory ability can reduce side effects, such as bloating & abdominal cramps.
69. Helps prevent dysentery. Effective fights Shigella, the bacterium that causes baciliary dysentery & the amoeba that causes amoebic dysentery..
70. Helps prevent multiple sclerosis (MS). Balances levels of tryptophan, serotonin and melatonin & prevents oxidative damage.
71. May thwart cancer. Xanthones have demonstrated anti-tumor properties in leukemia, liver, stomach & lung cancer, breast cancer & colon neoplasms.
72. Relieves Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS). Anti-inflammatory properties can relieve the cause of holes in the mucosal membrane, strengthening the body's defenses.
73. Helps prevent cystic fibrosis (CF) infections. Mangosteen's antioxidant & anti-microbial abilities may prevent excesss mucus found in CF.
74. Prevent lupus-related symptoms. Anti-inflammatory & autoimmune strengthening qualities can help lupus symptoms.
75. Counteracts Myasthenia Gravis. Counteracts the symptoms of this autoimmune disease by strengthening the immune system.


Jika anda mempunyai pertanyaan atau saranan / kritikan atau lain-lain mengenai bisnes kami ini sila hubungi kontak kami dengan keterangan seperti dibawah ini :
Nama, email, alamat, no. telefon dan nyatakan saranan/pertanyaan/kritikan anda.
Hubungi: Jamil Azhar/Azizah
Tel: 017-5516462/017-5516456
15 Jalan Pasir Belanda,Teluk Kumbar,11920 Pulau Pinang


Dengan persetujuan kiriman wang pendaftaran ahli ASIANLIFE.CO.TH melalui ABY-CLASSIC NETWORK termasuk perbelanjaan pos ini bererti anda dengan sedar telah mengetahui dan memahami prosedur , mekanisme & segala hal yang berhubungan dengan bisnes ini serta siap menghadapi risikonya tanpa melibatkan sponsor dan pihak mana pun juga.

Bagaimana membuat pesanan (How to order)
Harga sebotol : Rm55 (tidak termasuk kos penghantaran)
Harga satu set (6 botol) : Rm240 (TIDAK TERMASUK CAJ KOS PENGHANTARAN)

Rm5 caj penghantaran untuk 1 botol (Peninsular Malaysia)


Bank in Maybank
Jamil Azhar Bin Sheik Awab/Azizah Bt Mohd Noor
Account number : 157296008075

After Bank in Please sms/call (017-5516462)atau(017-5516456)



Harga RM240 (TIDAK termasuk Kos Penghantaran)




GARCINIA MANGOSTANA L "Molecular investigation on anti-cartilage degradation by the most active xanthone from mangosteen"



KUMPULAN "THAI MANGOSTEEN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, nama yang tersohor di peringkat antarabangsa adalah pakar di dalam pasaran JUS PATI MANGGIS yang dikenali sebagai jenama "MYHELTH" dan telah berurusniaga lebih 2 tahun. Kita boleh melihat tersohornya TMRDC di merata tempat khususnya di Malaysia, kini ia melangkah setapak lagi untuk menguasai pasaran AMERIKA SYARIKAT, SINGAPORE, BRUNEI, INDONESIA dan THAILAND. Pasaran 100% JUS PATI MANGGIS yang meluas dan berkembang dari masa ke masa telah menarik perhatian pakar-pakar saintis seluruh dunia. Disokong oleh pasukan pengurusan yang pakar & berpengalaman luas, malah bekerjasama dengan pakar-pakar saintis dari "THAI MANGOSTEEN DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH CENTRE" yang diketuai oleh Dr Picheat Wiriyatchitra, membuat kajian, pembangunan dan pengedaran produk kesihatan, pengeluaran JUS PATI MANGGIS, terlibat dalam Pameran Perdagangan Dunia.

Melalui program eksklusif "ABY-CLASSIC NETWORK" pihak syarikat telah menyediakan satu platform perniagaan "networking" yang interaktif untuk memaksimakan & mempelbagaikan kejayaan untuk anda. ABY-CLASSIC NETWORK" memberi peluang kepada anda untuk menikmati ganjaran pendapatan yang tinggi dan lumayan.!

Bebaskan diri anda dari belenggu masalah kewangan dengan program eksklusif "ABY-CLASSIC NETWORK" yang menjanjikan kejayaan yang gemilang untuk anda! Peluang keemasan ini ditawarkan oleh ABY-CLASSIC NETWORK. Program eksklusif ABY-CLASSIC NETWORK ini telah dilancarkan pada bulan Disember 2008.

RM 55.00/1 botol (Semenanjung Malaysia)
RM 240.00 / 6 botol (Semenanjung Malaysia)
RM60/1 botol (Sabah & Sarawak)
RM300.00 / 6 botol (Sabah & Sarawak)